Assessment & Academic Resources
Curriculum & Book Review
At Salmon River JSD 243, we strive to be transparent and communicate with all stakeholders about the materials we are using at our schools. The links below are available for you to review the current and proposed curricula and or books. Please feel free to contact our building principals and/or the superintendent to comment on the proposed materials.
Idaho Reading Initiative Brochure
The Idaho Reading Initiative, enacted by the Idaho Legislature, was designed to ensure that all children in the State of Idaho will master the skill they need to become successful readers. It is our goal at the State Department of Education to work with you, your child’s teacher school and administrators to promote his/her reading success!
Click (here) to view the IRI Family Brochure!
Idaho Content Standards
All students graduating from Idaho public high schools must meet state adopted content standards. These standards are to be used as a minimum threshold by every school district in the state in order to establish some consistency in academic content statewide.
Click (here) to see the Idaho Conent Standards Page
Please see the following page to view information on standardized assessments your chid will take during their time in school.
ISAT, IRI, SAT & PSAT, Science
SRHS Handbook 2024-2025
A school student handbook is a comprehensive guide provided to students and their families that outlines the rules, policies, and procedures of the school. The handbook serves as a reference to help students understand what is expected of them and to ensure a safe, respectful, and productive learning environment for everyone.
Click (here) to see the SRHS Handbook