Salmon River Athletics

Guidelines for 2020 Sports Events
The Salmon River School District (JSD 243) has put in place protective measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19; however, JSD 243 cannot guarantee that you or your child(ren) will not become infected with COVID-19. Further, attending activities on the campuses of JSD 243 could increase your risk and your child’s risk of contracting COVID-19. All visitors voluntarily assume the risk that they may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by attending activities on JSD 243 Campuses.
Protective Guidelines:
In the event that any person, including: athletes, coaches, fans or support staff is feeling ill or has a fever, it is required that the individual not attend activities at Salmon River Schools.
Salmon River will do a simple health screening of all players and coaches, including temperature checks, before arriving at opponents’ facilities. We encourage our visitors to also screen their players and coaches before arriving at our facilities.
We encourage all visiting teams to arrive dressed in game uniforms but locker rooms or class rooms will be available for each team.
Student athletes will provide their own hydration source and will not share. Salmon River Schools will not provide water bottles, water tanks, and/or jugs.
Hand sanitizer will be provided at various convenient locations for teams and fans.
Children must be under adult supervision at all times – they will not be permitted to play in the lobby area, on the gymnasium floor or elsewhere; before, during or after games.
Masks are permitted, but not required by the Salmon River School District.
We encourage all fans and spectators to maintain and follow all social distancing guidelines.
We encourage fans to bring exact change for admission to help eliminate exchange of money.
Adults/students without activity cards $6:00, HS students with activity card/Elem students $4:00, senior citizens over 55 $1.00, children under 5-free.
We will have separate entrance and exit flow-paths for home teams/fans and visitor teams/fans which will be marked for each facility.
Coaches and support staff will sanitize equipment and facilities on a daily basis.
Salmon River athletics will continue to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and modify all plans and guidelines based on the State of Idaho’s Rebound plan and the IHSAA and NFHS guidelines.
Just a reminder that all freshman, juniors and first time athletes must have a physical before they can attend practice.
Also needing physicals are 5th and 7th graders (and first timers).
Nominations for the IHSAA Good Sport of the Week close every Tuesday at 4 p.m. Nominations can be submitted on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using #IDHSAAGoodSport or emailed to Let us know how they exemplify sportsmanship in your school along with an action shot. Winners will be revealed on Wednesdays–this is a great way to highlight good sportsmanship in our schools, and we hope you get involved.
View the CDC “HEADS UP” initiative here!
To help ensure the health and safety of young athletes, CDC developed the HEADS UP Concussion in Youth Sports initiative to offer information about concussions to coaches, parents, and athletes involved in youth sports. The HEADS UP initiative provides important information on preventing, recognizing, and responding to a concussion.
Download the rules agreement form here
Salmon River Savages Athletics Rules
All athletes will ride the bus to each away game. All players will ride the bus back unless released to a parent in person by one of the coaches. Any exceptions to this must be approved by the principal in writing 24 hours prior to the trip and given to the coach before the bus departs to the event.
All athletes whose bus stop is on the way home from an away game may be dropped off at a designated bus stop. This requires written permission in order for the bus driver to legally let him/her off the bus before reaching the point of origin, which is the high school. Notes should be submitted prior to the event to the office. You must designate in the note which bus stop to use.
Athletes are expected to be at every practice. If you are not able to make it to a practice, please communicate with the coaches prior to the absence. In order to practice/play, you must be in school a minimum of four (4) class periods the day of the practice/games. If you are injured and cannot practice, you are expected to be at practice so you can watch and have your injury treated. Athletes who miss practice without a valid reason (in judgment of the coach) will be counted as unexcused. An athlete with one unexcused absence from practice will not participate in the next game. A second unexcused absence will lead to dismissal from the team. If an absence from practice is excused by the coach, the athlete will miss the following of the next contest: Football – Minimum of two offensive/defensive series Volleyball – First 10 points of the first gameBasketball – First quarter of next contestTrack/Cheer – Coach’s discretion.
All athletes are expected to maintain “C” or better grades in all of their classes. Grade checks will be conducted on Tuesday of every week by the Athletic Director or Principal. The AD/Principal will notify each student and coach of each student’s status. If a student has a grade below a “C” in any class, he/she will have two (2) weeks to improve/maintain ALL grades at a “C” or better. If the student does not improve to a “C” in ALL CLASSES two weeks after initially identified, he/she will be ineligible to participate in any contest/game until the next grade check and until all grades are a “C” or better. Students and/or parents are responsible for checking student grades.
Any student who receives a detention or suspension that forces him to miss practice will be unexcused for that practice. Disciplinary actions take precedence over practice or games. Excessive disciplinary problems could result in loss of participation, suspension, or dismissal from the team
Any player who consistently displays a poor attitude, refuses to listen or cooperate with the coaching staff, or otherwise is a detriment to the team, may be suspended or dismissed from the team at any time. SRHS goal is to build team spirit, positive attitudes, strong work ethic and good sportsmanship in a safe, fun atmosphere.
Find the IHSAA forms link here
The flow chart is designed to separate steps of IHSAA eligibility in determining the correct form for student eligibility.
Contact the IHSAA or Athletic Director Jayce Allred with questions.
Athletic Director:
Jayce Allred
Levi Tucker
IHSAA 2024 1ADII Coach of the year!
This award is well deserved and has a positive impact on the school and the community.
Well done Coach, and thank you for your hard work and dedication to our community & school!