Idaho Post-Secondary Education Resources
Start Planning Your Future
Get ready for the big time, the new adventures, dreaming big, and planning wide. No matter how far along you are on the path to high school graduation, Next Steps Idaho's grade-level pathway plans will help you plan for your next step.
Idaho NextStep offers “Pathway Plans” to help your student prepare for their “NextSteps!” From preparing to enter Highschool to preparing to enter the workforce, they have it all! A great resource for the student who is unsure about what they want to do next.
Idaho Workforce Training
The Workforce Training Centers (WTC) is a network across Idaho that provides opportunities for the retraining of workers who have lost their jobs, customized training for business and industry, upgrade training, related instruction for apprentices, and emergency services training for first responders.
Idaho Colleges & Universities
With Idaho Campus Choice, every Idaho high school senior is notified in the fall that upon graduation they’re guaranteed acceptance to specific state-funded colleges in Idaho. Once notified, all a student needs to do is complete an application at Apply Idaho, which opens the door to each of their listed colleges.
Formerly known as the State Board of Education’s Direct Admissions program, the name was changed to Idaho Campus Choice. Students are guaranteed admission to at least six public colleges in Idaho and it’s now their turn to choose the best fit for them.
Military Careers Idaho NextStep
Whether you are interested in aeronautics, laboratory science, communications, finance, health care, or something else, there are opportunities to train for nearly any career within one of the six branches of the U.S. military.
Each branch of the military is tasked with different roles in protecting our country. If you choose a military career, you’re certain to learn job skills that will help you in the workforce after you complete your service.
Salmon River Schools have had many students enlist to a military branch right out of highschool!
Student Financial Aid
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is created and coordinated by the U.S. Department of Education. It is safe and secure.
Nearly all colleges and career schools use the FAFSA to determine how much aid to offer each student. Financial aid funds are disbursed along a sliding scale of need and merit; the FAFSA is the most comprehensive and secure method of confirming a student’s position on that scale.
On average, the FAFSA should take about 30-minutes to complete.