After School Kids
Hours & Contact
Monday-Thursday: 12:00pm-6:00pm
Fridays: 10:00am-2:00pm (2x/month)
Phone: (208) 628-2770
ASK Staff
Rhonda Damon - Business Director
Teresa Mignerey - Program Manager
Vera Barham - Teacher Aide
Julie Hofflander - Enrichment Teacher (Certified, RES)
Katherine Austin - Enrichment Teacher (Jr/Sr High School)
After School Kids emphasizes on improving student academic achievement while offering exciting and rewarding enrichment classes to keep students off the streets and interested in lifelong learning
ASK Bus: (M-TH) (Southbound Only)
Elementary Departure: 5:50 pm
Jr/Sr High Departure: 6:00 pm
Arrival time (individual stops) depends not he number of students riding the bus home after ASK home that day.
3rd Grade & lower - a parent/guardian MUST be at the bus stop to pick up their child
FRIDAYS - No bus
Field trips are taken on Fridays. Permission forms are sent out prior to field trips with all the information necessary.
Kinder - 12th & home schooled students are welcome on field trips. Students must attend ASK 1 day/week to be eligible or field trips.
Kindergarten requires a parent/guardian to attend the field trip
ASK does not charge a regular program fee
ASK requires minimum of 50% attendance forparticipats as require by the 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC)
ASK requires at last (1 parent or guardian to attend at least (2) family engagement events (including one parent class) per school year as required by the 21st CCLC
ASK has policies with rules for computer & internet usage, photo release school information, and medical emergencies.
After School Kids welcomes and encourages ALL volunteers to join our program at any time.
Guest Speakers (Special talents, etc)
Family engagement events
ASK Sponsored Activities
ETC Thrift Shop
Sno Cone/Face Paint Booths
The volunteer opportunities are endless & unlimited
Field Trips - (Fun, enriching & educational trips.)
Elementary Basketball: 3rd-6th
Elementary Baseball: K-6th
Parent/Child Engagement Events
Parent Classes
Ask Provides a monthly program calendar for the following:
General Program Information
Enrichment Activities
Family Engagement Events
Click THIS LINK for the updated calendar1
ASK runs the ETC Thrift Shop - All net proceeds benefit the ASK program
Goodie drawings at sporting events
Concessions at sporting events
We rely heavily on grant awards
Volunteers are always in need to keep our program running
Help in any way , monetary & volunteer, is always appreciated
Pre-K program hours": - 12:00pm-4:00pm
Note for Pre-K program students: Must be picked up by 3:45pm or ride the 4:00 bus home. Pre-K program students must be accompanied by an older sibling if riding the bus.
Kindergarten program hours: 12:00pm-5:50pm
1st-5th grade program hours: 4:00pm-5:50pm
6th-12th grade program hours: 4:00pm-6:00pm




