Public Records Requests
Records Available to Public
According to Idaho Code 74-101 et seq and Salmon River JSD policy 1530;
Every person has the right to examine and take a copy of any public record at all reasonable times. All District records except those restricted by state and federal law shall be made available to citizens upon written request for inspection at the Clerk’s office. Requests must include name, address, phone number and email.
Please send inquiries (must be in writing via mail, email, or electronic form) to the Public Records Request Custodian Michelle Hollon
PO Box 872
Riggins, Idaho, 83549
The District shall either grant or deny a person’s request to examine or copy public records within three (3) working days of the date of the receipt of a request for public records. If a longer period of time is needed to locate or retrieve the records, the District shall notify the person requesting the records of the same and provide the records to such person not later than ten (10) working days following the request.
A written copy of the Board’s minutes shall be available to the general public within a reasonable time after the meeting in which they are approved. Board policy, meeting agendas, and minutes can be found on Board Docs.
The copying fee schedule of the District is as follows:
10 cents per black and white page (hard copy)
$30 per hour after 2 hours
In addition to the cost per page set forth above, the District will charge for the actual labor costs associated with locating and copying documents if:
The request is for more than 100 pages of records;
The request includes non-public information that must be redacted from the public records; and/or
The labor associated with locating and copying the records exceeds two (2) hours.
Fees shall be collected in advance.
Thank you,
Salmon River JSD#243