Board Policy & Agenda Link

Unless otherwise specified, all meetings will be held at the Salmon River Joint School District Office Board Room. Unless otherwise specified, regular meetings shall be held at 6 P.M. Mountain time on the third Monday of each month or on the following Tuesday in the event of a Monday holiday.

Citizens may suggest inclusions on the agenda. Such suggestions must be received by the Superintendent at least seven (7) days before the Board meeting. Individuals who wish to address the Board must also notify the Superintendent, in writing, of the request. The request must include the reason for the appearance.

However, in order for the board to conduct business in an efficient manner, these requests may be denied. Citizens wishing to make brief comments about items on the agenda need not request placement on the agenda, but must follow the procedure established for public input at Board meetings.

8/16/24 Enrollment availability for out of district students

K-12 the board of trustees shall consider the needs of the student requesting the transfer as well as the other students affected by the transfer. A student currently under suspension or expulsion in this district or another district is not eligible for Open Enrollment.


Feb Board Meeting moved to 2/24 @ 6:00 pm